The 6th meeting of the expert group “Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management” was split in two parts: The first part was member-only, whereas in the second part we invited the public.
In the first hour, we discussed on how to formalize all the precious learnings that we have gathered so far in our previous meetings, but also the members themselves in their companies. Most experts have done some kinds of Blockchain projects. We want to collect these insights in order to facilitate future projects. This will be done by compiling a common document which will be available for the members – at a later stage some parts will be made public. Additionally, students from the ZHAW will support the group with the exploration of use cases proposed by the members. This combination allows for an effective collaboration between the academia and industry.
In the second hour, the expert group opened up for guests and the session was hosted by our member Vitus Ammann from SBB. Vitus and his colleagues Barbara Möri and Marco Studer presented their solution for certificate management of their workforce – currently a tedious and a complicated process. As they are in the middle of the planning phase of their decentralized framework, Vitus asked the expert groups for feedback and additional ideas to manage the certificates. The experts split up into two workshops, where the first workshop elaborated on the technical aspects, and the second rather on the business case. In the end, the expert group could give Vitus and his colleagues a few very helpful hints on how to proceed and what details are important to consider.
We concluded the meeting with an apéro where further ideas were exchanged. All in all, the meeting was extremely interactive and the members walked away happily. But they also got some homework until the next meeting in September, where we would like to discuss our document full of learnings.