On the 15th of September, I successfully defended my PhD thesis at the University of Zurich. With this, an extremely…
First Climate and ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences are collaborating on using state-of-the-art #blockchain technology to track the impact of agroforestry on carbon sink…
DAO Suisse Association was officially founded on 16 June. Embodying the spirit of Swiss participatory culture, we want to make…
We’re thrilled to introduce DAO Suisse, an innovative umbrella association dedicated to empowering the DAO ecosystem in Switzerland. Our mission is to…
I was interviewed on DAOs for the Crypto Finance House View. Find the interview here: https://www.crypto-finance.com/house-view-may-2023/
The EthereumZuri.ch was a fantastic conference. The UZH Blockchain Center has hosted such an incredible event that brought together some…
The DAO Symposium organized by the ZHAW Institute of Organizational Viability and the UZH Blockchain Center on the 29. November…
We acquired an innosuisse project together with DecentAge AG in we are going to create a Design-Framework for DAOs. The…
Our article “Incentivizing Data Quality in Blockchain-Based Systems—The Case of the Digital Cardossier” has been accepted by the ACM Journal…
The SRF Radio featured a podcast about our research project No1s1. The project enhances Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) and supports practitioners…