Peer-reviewed journal publications

S. Li, F. Spychiger & C. Tessone: “Reward Distribution in Proof-of-Stake Protocols: A Trade-Off Between Inclusion and Fairness”, IEEE Access (under Revision). (2023)

C. Li, F. Spychiger & C. Tessone: “The Miner’s Dilemma With Migration: The Control Effect of Solo-Mining”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. (2022)

F. Spychiger, C. Tessone, L. Zavolokina & G. Schwabe: “Incentivizing Data Quality in Blockchain-Based Systems — The Case of the Digital Cardossier”, ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice. (2022)

M. Lustenberger, S. Maleševic & F. Spychiger: “Ecosystem readiness: blockchain adoption is driven externally”, Front. Blockchain 4:720454. (2021)

F. Spychiger, P. Tasca & C. Tessone: “Unveiling the Importance and Evolution of Design Components through the “Tree of Blockchain””, Front. Blockchain 3:613476. (2020)

S. Malešević, M. Lustenberger & F. Spychiger: “Applying Distributed Ledger Concepts to a Swiss Regional Label Ecosystem. Logistics, 4, 32.(2020)

Peer-reviewed conference publications

M. Blum, N. Crimi, P. Emmenegger, F. Spychiger & C. Tessone: “Governance and Maintenance for DAOs with Physical Assets – The Case of No1s1″. International Conference On Information Systems (under Revision). (2023)

J. Martignoni, F. Spychiger, M. Lustenberger, L. Schädler & P. Lehner: “Decentralizing Project Management by a DAO: A first Attempt”. 23rd EURAM Annual Conference (2023)

M. Caviezel, F. Spychiger & V. Stallone: “Aspects for Implementations of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) in Switzerland”. 11st World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (2023)

F. Spychiger & M. Lustenberger: “Decision-Making in Blockchains”. 22nd EURAM Annual Conference (2022)

C. Li, F. Spychiger & C. Tessone: “The Miner’s Dilemma With Migration”. 3rd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS) (2021)

M. Lustenberger, F. Spychiger & S. Malesevic: “Towards a Better Understanding of the Value of Blockchains in Supply Chain Management”. European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (2020)

L. Zavolokina, F. Spychiger, C.J. Tessone and G. Schwabe: “Incentivizing data quality in blockchains for inter-organizational networks : learning from the digital car dossier”, In: ICIS 2018 Proceedings. 39th International Conference of Information Systems 2018, San Francisco, (2018).

Peer-reviewed book parts

M. Lustenberger, F. Spychiger and M. Taylor: “Optimierung des Supply Chain Informationsaustauschs mit Blockchain-Startups”. In: Digitalisierung in der Praxis : so schaffen KMU den Weg in die Zukunft. Wiesbaden: Springer. S. 209-221, (2019)

Other publications

F. Spychiger: “DAOs – Challenges and Opportunities for Collaboration and Governance.” Interview Crypto Finance House View, May 05, 2023.

L. Zavolokina, F. Spychiger & G. Schwabe: “Leitfaden Blockchain in der kantonalen Verwaltung Zürich.” Digitale Verwaltung und E-Government Staatskanzlei Kanton Zürich, Februar 26, 2021.

F. Spychiger & M. Lustenbeger: “Unternehmen ohne Chefs.” ZHAW Impact, December 01, 2020.

M. Lustenberger & F. Spychiger: “Blockchain als Grundlage des Informationsaustausches,” In: Fokus Supply Chain Managment, Tagesanzeiger, July 3, 2019.